I had an idea for what I’d write about on the drive hoe, but now that I’m here I’ve forgotten it. It might’ve been about realizing that Father Mark is even further into the minority than I had realized and further, that I agree with him more than I realized. There are loads of good points about why Christians might use violence or join the military, but I can’t imagine Jesus picking up a gun in self defense, and that’s sort of where the argument ends for me.
I might also have been thinking of writing about watching Roby get taken care of by a gaggle of well-mannered young women who had narry a phone amongst them. They all live on a 400 acre farm in Barre, they were at a party at Jack’s house where we burned an effigy of the devil. It felt like real community in there, even if we all live car distance from one another, it’s still pretty close.
It might’ve been about Vincent Van Gogh, I watched a movie about him today. It was beautiful.
Or it might’ve been about Roby, we hungout all day. We went on a nice long walk and sang songs and went on walks.
At Jack’s party I watched one of his friends speak with their older-teenage daughter. They went back and forth about how serious one of his sons injuries was, he had something in his eye. They both took eachother’s opinions seriously as they puzzled out what to do.
It’s incredible to imagine having such conversations with Roby. I know it’ll happen, if I’m truly lucky. And that’s just wild.
Yours &c. Bozo
Yours &c. Bozo