Staying Put
I always foudn that line incredibly funny. It’s from Bladerunner, Roy Batty says it , and it’s his funniest line by far. At least in my opinion.
I was sent a beautiful house on some nice acreage far nearer to Burlington than I am. I’ve also been daydreaming about a nice house on some gorgeous land in Northfield, far closer to my church and a fair bit closer to town than I am now, the town being Burlington.
It’s easy to daydream
Roby wrote that and I told her I’d keep it, so I will.
It’s easy to daydream, I was saying, about places that you don’t know very well, because you don’t know them very well. They might be better in some way that you can see from here, without noticing the cracks you might notice from closer up.
The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t seems a reasonable bit of wisdom. Add to that, in this context, that the grass is greener where you water it.
There’ll always be nicers bits of land and nicer houses, but there is only one house on Earth where Roby was born, and I happen to own that house.